Many wonderful things happen when we surrender our lives fully to God. We will have greater peace, joy & strength when we allow God to lead us into His plans and purpose.
John 15:5 “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.
Every electrical appliance (such as a water boiler, microwave, fridge, iron etc) needs to be connected to a power supply to function. Similarly, we are made to be connected to God and to rely on Him for this life on Earth. We will be much happier and less stressed if we allow God to be involved in every part of our life. So many times, we run around frantically without the guidance of our loving Heavenly Father. We think we can solve all of our problems by natural means without seeking God’s wisdom. In reality, we are limited without God working in our lives.
God has all the resources, all the knowledge and all the power in this universe. God promised in His Word that if we remain in Him and if we rely on Him, we will bear much fruit in our lives. What kinds of fruit can we expect when we rely on God? We will see more productivity and effectiveness in our lives. We will have greater inner joy, peace and strength when we confronted with troubles and hardship. Let us make every effort to remain connected with God each day by inviting Him into our daily schedule and program.
God is our invisible helper that is always there to give a helping hand.