When we are hungry for God, miracles will begin to happen WITHIN us and AROUND us.

You, God, are my God, earnestly I seek you; I thirst for you, my whole being longs for you, in a dry and parched land where there is no water.2 I have seen you in the sanctuary and beheld your power and your glory. Ps 63:1-2

God is the beginning of all things. He created mankind for relationship and partnership in this world. God’s original plan for mankind was not independence but an interdependent lifestyle. We are designed to co-exist with God. Psalm 63 paints a beautiful picture of a life with God. The writer acknowledges his need for God to satisfy his longings and desires. He shares with us his wonderful experiences and encountered with God.

I strongly believe that when we are hungry for God, miracles will begin to happen within us and around us because we are designed to co-exist with God. Our lives become exciting when we are empowered by God through connecting with Him on a daily basis. We can receive directly from our heavenly Father what we need on earth. God’s resources become our resources. God’s miracles become our miracles. God’s power becomes our power. God’s victory becomes our victory. God’s compassion becomes our compassion. The personal and external changes that we desire can be made possible with God.

Allow God to do miracles in us and around us through daily intimacy with Him.

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