I was diagnosed with oesophageal cancer in 2009. I suffered a weight loss of around 20 kg, from 60 kg to about 40 kg, within a very short period of time. The doctors did an endoscopy and discovered a lump outside my oesophagus. The tumour outside my oesophagus was growing around it and squeezing it. As a result, I could not swallow any food and I started to lose weight. The doctors had to insert a feeding tube through my nose into my stomach.

They told me that I needed surgery, but prior to the surgery, I had to undergo radiotherapy and chemotherapy treatments. I went through 37 sessions of radiotherapy and 6 sessions of chemotherapy.

Surprisingly I didn’t lose any of my hair apart from one or two strands which was natural. When I first I entered the room where the chemotherapy was done, there were other guys inside the room and I thought they had lovely hair. However, I found out that they were all wearing wigs so I was the only one with my original hair. Even the doctor was quite surprised that I didn’t lose any hair.

Some of the guys who went for the radiotherapy treatments had burnt marks on their faces or on those parts where the treatment was being administered. I did not have any of those side effects.

When the doctors completed the final radiotherapy and chemotherapy sessions, they insisted I go for operation. However, I told them that I believe I have been healed by Jesus.

Prior to the treatments, I had asked my church to pray for my healing and I also attended healing services in different churches and received prayer for healing. My wife and I attended a Healing Service in Victory Family Centre church, Kuching where Ps Peter Truong was ministering. The church leaders, church members and Ps Peter Truong prayed for my healing. I was so weak from my illness that I had to go to the church in a wheelchair.

One night, in a dream, I had an encounter with Jesus. I saw a man with white clothes standing in front of me and He looked like Jesus. He said to me “Peace be with you”. Then I heard another voice from God, saying “I want to heal you from cancer.” I believe that God spoke to me in that dream and I was healed of oesophageal cancer.

The doctors were quite surprised to hear me say that I believe I had been healed. They were usually the ones who had the final say. But I told them that my Lord Jesus has healed me. Initially they could not accept what I said and they insisted that I go for the operation. They had everything planned from the flight to the place where I would stay in KL. But I told them, “Look, if you don’t believe me, you take samples from the place where you think the cancer cell is.” They finally agreed to take the samples. To speed up the process, I had to send the samples to a place outside Sarawak General Hospital, which would have the results in less than two weeks. I had to bear this expense to prove to the doctors that the cancer is gone.

I believe the Lord was speaking through me, to the doctors. The first test results showed that there were no cancer cells. The doctors were not satisfied and they insisted I should still proceed with the operation. I told them that if they were not convinced by the first set of results, they could take a second sample and investigate further. I told them to do whatever they needed to do to prove me wrong.

So they agreed to take a second sample and the result still showed the same thing – negative for cancer cells. They gave in to my request not to have the operation but advised me to at least let them check on me every two months. I agreed. I thought, “Sure, why not?” I said that I would like that and I obliged them. But again, God told me specifically, “Austin, I’ve already healed you. There’s no need for you to see the doctors anymore.”

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