Around May 2015 our daughter Mylene went to the doctor. She was tired and had headaches a lot of the time. She stopped her after school activities and did not go to school for several weeks. She did different blood tests and was on antibiotics prescribed by the local Health Center. Her liver values were ten times higher than normal so the doctor sent us to a private hospital. Her liver was bigger than normal but fortunately the doctors found no abscess.

We researched her symptoms on the internet and became more worried. We were hoping that some rest and more healthy food would help. Our three sons were also worried and all of us prayed for her. She did not go to school for 5 weeks. After that, she only went to school for parts of some days. We tried to de-stress and keep her focus on happy things. Mylene is our sunshine, always happy and enthusiastic. She has a lot of friends who came to visit her.

We had plans to go to Holland during the summer time so we thought it was good for her to have a medical check up there as well and ask the doctor in our home country!

On the Sunday of the week before our holiday to Holland, we attended the Healing Service in our St Margareth Church. It was a very impressed by the faithful prayers of the loving and caring community there. We prayed for the people with different physical issues and health problems. Above all, we believed that God is in charge and He can heal!!

We brought our Mylene to the front of the church for prayer in the name of Jesus, our Saviour and Healer. Mylene got a bit emotional. Rufus (her father) kept his hand on her shoulder. The love of God was overwhelming and we felt so grateful. At home we were talking about the Service, our kids were also touched by His Word and Love. We had already made an appointment with the Health Center for Mylene to do a new blood test and to check her liver values again. Two days before we went to Holland (for the summer break) we received the test results. Mylene’s liver values were normal again! She was still a bit weak but much better than the week before.

The doctor was checking her date of birth again and again and asked our other family members to make sure he was seeing the correct child. In my enthusiasm I said “Praise God” then the doctor was quiet. I thanked the doctor for the help and left the hospital. Five minutes later the doctor called again and asked; ”Are we really talking about the same family member?” She said “This is a miracle” God healed our daughter! It makes us realize that God can heal and is taking care of us.

Praise the Lord!

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