For any breakthrough to become a reality, we need to have passion and determination to make it happen. Breakthrough and changes does not come easily. There must be investment of directed and intentional effort and energy to fulfill the dream. A farmer knows that he must plow the ground, fertilize and water the soil in order for the seed to bear fruit. He cannot sit back and hope that his seed will grow without doing anything. He works hard in the heat of the day to make sure that the seed becomes a young plant and then into a fruit bearing tree. He must remove any obstacles that are hindering the plant from growing such as weeds, pests, and birds. Likewise, we need to pay the price for seeing the result and breakthrough we desire.

The hardworking farmer should be the first to receive a share of the crops. 2 Timothy 2:6

We live in a society that does not like the word “commitment”. We want things to fall into our lap without much effort. We are afraid of making any commitment because it will cost us something. However, the reality is that our rewards are always greater than the commitment that we have invested. The growing pains we experience in life will produce a greater reward that awaits us in the near future. There is no short cut or easy way in achieving great things in life. We need to make an investment in prayer, resources, time, planning and sacrifice in order to make progress. God will empower us to accomplish His plans in our lives. We are not alone, we have a Partner who will help to us to get achieve great breakthrough. God wants us to rely in Him to produce more fruits in our lives.

I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. John 15:5

We do not have to struggle alone because there is a greater strength, greater wisdom and greater anointing living within us through the Holy Spirit.

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