Peter Truong
International Healing Evangelist

Peter Truong
is an international evangelist from Hope Church, Brisbane in Australia which is a member of Hope International Ministries (HIM) . He came to know Jesus Christ at university. He worked as a hospital radiographer before entering full-time ministry. He served in Youth with A Mission for four years . He also co-authored several evangelism and healing manuals to equip the local churches.
He has ministered to thousands in healing meetings and crusades in over 20 different countries around the world. Through his ministry, many people have been healed by the power of God. They include those in wheel-chairs who were able to get up and walk, those who came in crutches could walk without these for support, the mute could hear and speak, the totally deaf regained their hearing, sight was restored to those with eye problems, eczema disappeared, barren couples conceived and bore children, the broken-hearted, those with sinusitis, rheumatoid arthritis, tumours and cancer were healed.
Peter Truong Ministries seek to serve the local churches in the body of Christ and Hope International Ministries (HIM) churches through evangelism, prophetic and healing ministries. He has a passion to see the body of Christ moving in the gifts of the Holy Spirit and demonstrating the power of God through healing, miracles, signs and wonders.
He travels to many countries such as: United States, United Kingdom, Germany, Norway, Switzerland, Netherlands, Czech Republic, Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Myanmar, Indonesia, Philippines, Cambodia, Hong Kong, Korea, Sri Lanka and India.

Dr Wilson Lim
President of Hope International Ministries (HIM)

Simon Eng
Senior Pastor of Hope Kuala Lumpur

Lance Wolter
Pastor of Hope Church, Gold Coast

Mark Rusic

May Cheung
Hope Oceania Missions Coordinator