To find the PERFECT WILL OF GOD, we need to OBEY and LAY DOWN OUR OWN DESIRES. SURRENDER our WILL to GOD in EXCHANGE for HIS HIGHER AND BETTER PLANS for OUR LIVES. GOD wants US to live out HIS wonderful PLANS on earth.

“I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me” Gal 2:20

How do we find the perfect will of God for our lives? Many Christians ask this very common question, including me. I remembered hearing a guest speaker at our church 20 years ago. I really liked his answer when someone in the audience asked him this question. The speaker said that it is easier to manoeuvre a vehicle when we start driving rather than leaving it stationary. He shared that we need to start obeying God in the small things and God will lead us along the way. He also shared about allowing God to be the driver of our vehicle so God can steer us into His direction. I really believe that are some very important truths in both illustrations. God does not want to hide His plans from our lives. God reveals His plans to us according to His wisdom and timing. We may get scared or proud if God revealed everything to us in one hit. God also reveals His plan according to our obedience.

As we allow God to be in charge of our lives, God will slowly reveal His perfect plans in due time. We know our destiny by building a strong daily relationship with God.

Draw close to God today to know Him and find His perfect will.

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